Behind the scenes of Heavens to Betsy
Heavens to Betsy has been having wool milled for rug hookers and other fiber artists for quite some time now.
For us, Heavens to Betsy is what we truly enjoy and
We would love to share with you some of the process of our joy.
Please keep in mind, We are a small family business, Nothing fancy here!
The first Process is of course coming up with what wools to mill!

~Samples for the Mill~
The picture is not the best and that is because I am not allowed to give any sneak peeks!
We often take threads and put them to different patterns. The card at the top right is a finished sample that has been mocked up for the mill.
(do you recognize the wool? You would be correct if you said hot potato! those threads next to it are what we are changing. (ie. Take the blue thread and replace it with yellow and so on...)
By the way only the top row of the picture is affirmative for wools to come. We hmm,Haw and sometimes have to argue (nicely of course) our case against each other on which wools go in next.It is a long process! Mom has favorite wool (usually more primitive), Erica has Favorite wools ( usually more modern looking) and dad has his favorites too (The ones that he takes hours to put threads meticulously to)
Once the selections are made and everyone is satisfied -and made sure Erica hasn't traded one of theirs for one of her wools.
We send them off to the mill!
In about six to nine months we receive three yard samples of each of the wools.

Looks GREAT to me!
We confirm with our mill that they are Perfect and we love them.
After they are milled they send the wool to us on large rolls.

Wool is here! Yippeee!

This is empty compared to a couple of weeks ago!
Then come the samples, Lots and
lots of Samples

Over 900 of them! Thats alot of glue.
Dad starts to bolt the wool!

And next It is off to packing orders

And if Anyone gets hurt in the process
Heavens to Betsy
has there own Health Care Program!

Mom putting A band-aid on Dad :)
Some Patterns Have been added to our website!

Be sure to Check them all Out :)
Wow loved that......
How interesting! Cheri
Thanks for showing us the process of getting that scrumptous wool to us!! I love your names!!!!
I had no idea what a process it was! I know all three of you work hard to produce those lucious colors and patterns. Kudos to you all. Jeanne
Didn't realize that you went through all this work to get wool. You are going to be at Bev Stewarts in March. Hope to meet you then
So fascinating to see the process! I just discovered your blog and have signed on to be a follower. I also added you to my blog list so I can help spread the word about your great wool!
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