Monday, December 13, 2010



Again Thank you Erica & Betsy for the chance to win wool, and also to get some good laughs!My best tip for Xmas this year is let your son in law put up and decorate the trees!For years the task fell to me. Husband and one or more kids would lug out the trees, and would do the garland...the rest was up to me!This year our new son in law who is an Air Force Pilot asked if he could "help" I think i put two ornaaments on each tree and he spent hours creating a masterpiece! He got a good look at our family traditions and the chance to use up some OCD energy(pilots are perfectionists!) and I didnt get burned out decking the halls!Favorite movie is a toss up Old school me loves White CHristmas ?Holiday Inn. With it mom loves ELF. I have seen it about 9 times and it still cracks me up!My second stress buster is to make sure no matter how crazy my days are to hook each day!Hope everyone is enjoying the anticipation of the big day!

Kimberly,Please e-mail me with your mailing info and we can get your wool to you by Christmas!

Let me know if there are any wools that you would like pieces of :)


We have been super crazed here getting orders out, Getting ready for our January mailer and of course getting ready for Christmas. The days seem to go by so fast, Don't they?

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